Monday, May 16, 2005

Prepare To Be Offended

With all the finger pointing going on these days it is so easy to avert the attention from personal responsibility and place it on the media, the school system, video games, guns or ________ (fill in the blank). We are a society that simply does not want to own up to our own mistakes and laziness. We have become so wrapped up in material possessions and pop psychology that we neglect our children, our wives and our God. We seek to fatten our wallets and impress our neighbors as our kids are having sex, experimenting with drugs, and giving up on their education. America is going to hell in a hand basket and who do we have to blame? Fathers. Plain and simple. The family is the most basic form of government. For many of us our family was the first view of the world. It was our first experience in how to treat one another and our first indication of right and wrong. The family was our first glimpse of how people interact and how we provide for one another. Our family was the first influence upon us while our personality and our morals were formed. Fathers, we are failing. Reflect upon just how involved we are with our children. Some of you may feel that raising babies is woman's work. OK, what are you doing to help your wife in this work? Is paying the bills enough? I think not. We are falling very short. And notice in all of this I say we, not you or them. I have fallen short many times and it is by the grace of God alone that I have learned from it. So, let's grow together and make this great country of ours even better, one family at a time.

As I feel led I will post my thoughts here. At times you will find my genius shining through. Other times you may wonder if I have any sense at all. I am new to this blogging thing, but rest assured I have plenty to say. I have a couple people in mind that I would love to have on board as contributing writers, I just have to figure out how to make that happen.

In the mean time, go help your wife with dinner and give your kids a hug. It won't be long before they think they are too cool to love you.


At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Stuff. I agree.

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

America may be going to hell in a handbasket by some measures but it is certainly better now than it was 50 or 150 years ago.


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